Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: When does applications close for 2022/23 intake?
Our application system will close on 31 January 2022
Question 2: How many courses can I choose?
When starting your application we recommend that you select 5 courses and rate them in order of preference. Your offer will contain your top 3 choices, grades and/or timetabling allowing.
Question 3: I have received my offer but I have not been offerred my top 3 choices, why?
Due to grade requirements or timetabling restrictions it may not be possible to offer you your top 3 choices in which case we will offer you your 4th or 5th choice.
Question 4: Where can I find out more information on what the courses involve?
Head to our website Under the Sixth Form tab you will find our prospectus for 2022/2023 with detailed information on what our A-level and BTEC courses involve.
Question 5: How many lessons are there a week?
Studying at A level is not the same as lessons in lower school. There is a lot more independent studying time. This is intended to help you prepare for the transfer onto University or Employment. Each subject that you take will have a classroom delivery time of 4 hours per week. In conjunction with the national recommendation it is expected that each student then add to this by undertaking an extra 4/5 hours of study for each subject in their own time (independent study). This equates to a study programme of around 27 hours per week. Independent learning refers not to just completing homework but to reading up and around on the subject that you are studying, being prepared to take the subject to a deeper level of understanding. Statistics show that high achievers are undertaking independent study of up to 30 hours per week.
Question 6: What is independent study?
Independent study is about the student learning to work on their own, and developing a mindset of effective learning. To use their time constructively to ensure that their studies are not getting behind and that they are able to extend their knowledge without depending on just the teacher delivering the curriculum. Success comes for those students that are able to extend their understanding by reading above and beyond the expected remit, this is what can be achieved during independent study time as well as completing assignments and homework.
Question 7: Will I have any free lessons?
Yes your timetable will not cover a full week, during your ‘frees’ this is time that you are expected to take undertake independent study. Remember a ‘free’ is for the student to extend their knowledge and understanding by working independently.
Question 8: How much feedback will I get?
Informal feedback comes from each individual teacher to the student on a regular basis. Many subjects (particularly the sciences) have regular tests to support their feedback. On a more formal basis, you will receive a regular Progress Check.
Question 9: As a sixth former are there any special privileges?
As we are a school based sixth form, we provide a 6th form common room with a Bistro Cafe. There is also a stand-alone sixth form study centre with IT facilities.
Question 10: What is the house system and how will it affect me?
The house system will allow you the opportunity to work across the school and not just in the classroom. Enrichment activities will enable you to undertake peer-mentoring, literacy or maths mentoring to leadership roles from Sports Ambassadors to Head of Houses.
Question 11: What kind of support can I expect?
Support will come in a variety of forms, specifically the Sixth Form Team will offer academic and pastoral mentoring. We are able to offer support for University Applications (UCAS) and Apprenticeships. Opportunities to get involved in a variety of activities to develop and enhance your transferable skills that are necessary for Employment and University.